Cloud Transformation

Unlock growth, increase agility & reduce cost with Cloud

Cloud transformation services help organizations move their IT systems and data to the cloud, enabling them to take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing, such as scalability, reliability, and cost savings. These services encompass a range of activities, including cloud migration, cloud strategy development, and cloud optimization, that help organizations make a seamless transition to the cloud. Be it lift shift, application modernization, Cloud Ops, Governance, expect xStear to deliver based on your needs.


Cloud Migration

Our cloud migration service offerings provide a seamless transition of your IT infrastructure to the cloud. We offer a range of solutions tailored to your business needs, including risk assessment, planning, and implementation, to ensure a secure and efficient migration

Cloud Native Development

Our cloud native development service offerings help businesses build scalable and flexible applications in the cloud. We use cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, such as microservices and containerization, to develop cloud-native applications that are resilient, portable, and highly available.

Cloud Architecture

Our Cloud Architecture service offerings provide businesses with a solid foundation for their cloud infrastructure. We offer expert guidance and solutions to design and implement a scalable, reliable, and secure cloud architecture that meets your business needs

Cloud Optimization

Our Cloud Optimization service offerings help businesses optimize their cloud infrastructure to achieve cost savings, improved performance, and increased efficiency. We offer services such as cloud cost optimization, workload optimization, and cloud governance to ensure that your cloud environment is optimized for your business needs.

Cloud Operations

Our Cloud Operations service offerings provide businesses with continuous monitoring, management, and optimization of their cloud infrastructure. We offer services such as cloud monitoring, security management, and incident management to ensure that your cloud environment is secure, reliable, and highly available.

Cloud Security

Our Cloud Security service offerings provide businesses with comprehensive security solutions for their cloud environment. We offer services such as cloud risk assessment, security design, and implementation to ensure that your cloud infrastructure is secure and compliant with industry standards.

Our work

Our Success stories

Cloud Migration

The client is a leading US based Insurance Company offering their services to consumers & partners. Partnered with service provider with funding access (AWS/AZURE) to Migrate the infra on lift-shift basis and modernize applications for cloud readiness along with license optimization

Legacy Modernization

The client is a leading US based Healthcare Company offering their services to Providers and Patients. xStear provided roadmap to migrate from monolithic architecture to microservice based architecture to make it cloud compatible

Cloud based Analytic solution

The client is a US financial Company offering loan to Small and Medium Businesses. xStear provided roadmap to implement a Scalable Cloud Big data platform along with Enterprise visualization tool for data visualization

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Maximizing the Value of Cloud Transformation

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